Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We are in Munich

We made it to Munich in just over 6 hours as there was a strong tailwind. Everything went extremely well. All luggage made it to Munich except for our OMHA REM, Cheryl (note - don't sit near Cheryl for the next ten days as she didn't bring a set of additional clothes).

Scott Mills said "Watching the Smurf's at 37,000 feet was absolutely incredible, I would give that movie a 4 out of 5 and definitely worth watching"

We had lunch in Pilsen (the home of Pilsen Beer) with a traditional Czech lunch, complete with dumplings and gravy. Some boys had their first beer and said it was the best beer they ever had.

We are now checked into the hotel in Prague and in an hour we are leaving for a pro game. From there, we are heading back to the hotel to sleep. We are scheduled to be up at 0700 for breakfast and a tour of a huge castle.

All is well and good night from Munich! (Sparta beat the other team 3-2 in case you were wondering).


  1. Glad all made it safe and sound. Have fun!!!!

  2. Happy to hear you arrived early. Unfortunate for Cheryl. I hope the luggage catches up with her soon. Enjoy the hockey game!! It snowed last night and this morning here, but didn't amount to much. No, snowmobiling yet!!

  3. Thank you for the update! We were able to track your flight on the Lufthansa website so we had an idea it was a quick flight. ENJOY!!

  4. Best,first beer ever - excellent. Enjoy guys!
